How To Cook A Frozen Pizza In An Electric Skillet

Learning how to cook a frozen pizza in an electric skillet is a beneficial skill. You can use a single appliance in cooking many recipes so you do not have to spend too much money.

Frozen pizza is a great alternative for people who are too busy making fresh ones. It gives you the same quality when cooked properly and you spend less time when processing.

Electric skillets are usually used for frying or sauteing because they are able to give a precise temperature that is rad on their temperature gauge. They are also very versatile.

So cooking frozen pizza with an electric skillet is possible. Electric skillets are able to get up to high temperatures and recreate the environment inside an oven.

So when you cook pizza in them, they will come out perfectly. Frozen pizza is a bit tricky especially if you are used to cooking fresh dough and cooking in an oven.



However, when you choose to cook pizza in an electric skillet, you will be able to experience the difference as it gives you some features that you cannot do in a conventional oven.

For example, you will be able to add oil in the skillet if you need to. The oven does not allow you to put oil on the surface because it will just drip down to the bottom of the oven.

So if you want to learn how to cook frozen pizza in an electric skillet, stick around as we guide you through the right process in order to make the best out of this very simple recipe.

Get your electric skillet ready and your favorite frozen pizza and then move on to this article as we bring you the best guide and tips that you can do to cook frozen pizza in it.


Can I Bake In An Electric Skillet?

The number one basis in knowing whether a cooking appliance is able to cook pizza is if it does well in baking. That is why we put the electric skillet to the test.

The results are amazing and it can truly bake anything that you want. Frying was perfect and since the electric skillet has a cover, you can bake bread, muffins, and more in it.

So when the pizza dough is placed in the electric skillet, it cooks perfectly. The fresh dough went well and the frozen dough did not come out very differently with the same crisp.

Placing a baking pan in the skillet is also possible as long as the pan fits inside the electric skillet. It also improved the finish on the dough and other baked goods.

In the case of frozen pizza, it does not really bake it but rather “fries” it. This way, the bottom of the crust cooks quickly and brings it out with nice browning and char at the bottom.


Cooking Frozen Pizza In An Electric Skillet

Prepare your electric skillet and your favorite frozen pizza and let these simple instructions guide you for when you are cooking the frozen pizza at home.


Thaw The Frozen Pizza

Get all the wrappers off the pizza and then let it thaw down to room temperature. This will even out the cooking process later on when you put it in the electric skillet.

Letting the pizza thaw down will also help in making the crust crispy. It will be able to release the moisture more efficiently and so the crust will turn out to be crunchy when cooked.

When thawing the pizza, you can leave the plastic wrap around it so no insect or debris gets in the pizza. As long as you let it sit at room temperature, it will thaw pretty quickly.


Fire Up The Electric Skillet

The electric skillet will be heating up pretty quickly so make sure to do this right when the frozen pizza is about to thaw completely. You can put the temperature between medium and high.

Usually, electric skillets can reach up to 400 degrees Fahrenheit so if your electric skillet can reach that temperature, you can set it to that so the cooking process will be faster.

While the electric skillet is preheating, you can move on to the other parts of the process like cutting up toppings that you might want to add into the frozen pizza.


Cook The Frozen Pizza

Once the frozen pizza has thawed and you put all the additional toppings that you want, you can then place it inside the electric skillet and then cover it with the lid for the first few minutes.

Covering the skillet will help create somewhat of a convection heat that will cook the toppings and melt the cheese. You can also leave the pizza cooking without the lid at first.

However, if by the end of the cooking process the crust has been cooked and the toppings are still raw, you should put the lid on to cook them evenly and melt the cheese.

What you should not do is to leave the lid on for the entire cooking process. If you let the lid stay on, it will create steam and the droplets will go seeping into the crust making it soggy.

With a temperature of 400 degrees Fahrenheit, the pizza should finish cooking in just 6 to 8 minutes. Take a look if the cheese has melted and the crust has turned brown.

If so, you can then let the pizza out of the electric skillet and then let it rest on a plate for five minutes. Do not forget to turn the electric skillet off if you will not use it again.

If you are not satisfied with the browning or charring of the pizza’s bottom crust, you can put oil on the skillet the next time that you will be cooking frozen pizza in it.

After the pizza has rested for five minutes, cut it up, and then serve!


Tips For Cooking Frozen Pizza In An Electric Skillet

Cooking pizza at home is best experienced when doing it in your backyard. However, there are times where you do not have the time to set up in the backyard.

During these times, you can easily put a frozen pizza in an electric skillet to cook. This way, you spend more time with other things, and here are some tips to make it easier.


Do Not Turn

Pizza is often turned when cooked in ovens or other appliances. This is because there are some spots where the heat is high and the other spots are cooler.

But with an electric skillet, you have this small enclosed cookware that is heated evenly. So this means that you do not have to turn the pizza every minute to cook it evenly.

The bottom of the crust will cook evenly and the toppings as well. Turning the pizza is unnecessary so it is very easy when cooking frozen pizza in an electric skillet.


Add Toppings

Buying frozen pizza does not mean that you are stuck with what you have on it. You can add your favorite toppings to it so you can make the pizza better.

After thawing the frozen pizza, you can cut up some vegetables or even meat that you want to add to it. This will allow you to personalize the frozen pizza if it is too dull for you.



When you are creative, you can cook pizza on almost anything. That is a really helpful skill so that you do not have to spend too much money on different appliances that are used only once a week or so.

Frozen pizza is also good for people who are always in a hurry. It can be cooked easily and you no longer need to prepare ahead of time in order to cook this pizza.

Some people may argue that the quality of the pizza is lessened but that is not entirely true. When cooked properly, frozen pizza can be as good as freshly made ones.

So with your electric skillet, make sure to cook the frozen pizza in the best way possible. It will take some practice so do not be afraid to cook frequently!

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  1. Mahalos. I tried it for the first time today and it didn’t go well. I had a frozen Tostino cheese pizza. My first mistake was I left the lid on the entire time and sure enough you called it. It came out soggy. Thanks to you I now know what to do next time. Much mahalos nui loa. Thank you very much.

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