I’m Shrestha!

Hi, I’m Shrestha, the heart and hands behind this blog. My passion for pizzas goes beyond just eating them—I love experimenting with different techniques, dough recipes, and more.

My journey into cooking began unexpectedly when I lost my corporate job and found myself with a lot of free time. I missed the hustle of the 9 to 5 grind, so I started searching for hobbies to fill my days and help me figure out what was next.

Back then, I was ordering a lot of pizzas, but I quickly realized that if I wanted to save money and improve my health, I needed to make a change. That’s when I began exploring pizza recipes online. In 2016, there weren’t many videos specifically about pizza dough, so I dove into trial and error until I found recipes that truly worked for me.

Some of the recipes I’ve perfected aren’t originally mine, but they’ve become my go-to favorites, and I’m here to guide you through them, so you don’t have to second-guess yourself.

This blog is my space to share my experiences, and I’m excited to keep doing so for as long as I can.

Yet to be seen in:

My Favs


Long Island Ice Tea

Fav TV Show

2 Broke Girls

Fav Biz to support

Crockery Small Businesses

Fav HOliday


When I’m not making pizzas, I love spending time in nature and unwinding with a good book or TV series.

Some of my all-time favorite shows are Schitt’s Creek, The Nun, The Vikings, and cult classics like The Big Bang Theory and 2 Broke Girls.

If you have any TV show recommendations, feel free to email me—I’m always on the lookout for a great comedy or a series with an intriguing plotline

I also love to read, travel, and occasionally hit a dance class to let off some steam. Yep, I have a lot of hobbies, and while managing them can be a task, I think life is just more fun that way.